Akarat has gotten his dp-certificate
Like all our other puppies’, the hip of Füzeserdei Akarat “Szellő” was screened by the owners, as it was written in our contract. We are very happy with the results, […]
Like all our other puppies’, the hip of Füzeserdei Akarat “Szellő” was screened by the owners, as it was written in our contract. We are very happy with the results, […]
We can finally go hunting!! 🙂 We’ll begin this year’s season with duck hunting. The dogs could barely wait. (us too) 😀
We have attended the Greyhound Festival in Ősagárd for the tenth time. The audience can learn a lot of important information about hungarian dog breeds at this event, and there […]
Although a bit late, but we held a little meeting with our „puppies” and their owners. Those who arrived earlier had had the chance for a little swim, and everyone […]
The puppies from litter „A” have reached their first birthday!! I wish you a very happy bithday my little darlings! Their owners have sent us a few pictures of them, […]
Akác has done a successful basic exam in Kajászó, Hungary, on an event of the Hungarian Vizsla Club Association. She has finished her day with a perfect result. We are […]
The time has come….. Bodza, my first ever vizsla, to whom I owe my entire life with dogs/vizslas, has turned 15 years old! She gave us a big scare last […]
Spring has finally arrived, so now we can head outside with the dogs. We are preparing for the exam- and hunting seasons with Akác, Akarat, Cseni and Piszke. They are […]